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If any of you with crypto want to store with extra security in this climate, I recommend checking out Civic Wallet ?? Civic Wallet offers a $1 million (USD) digital currency guarantee through Coincover. It’s the first crypto wallet I knew offering this and, I checked, it is the only - one of the main reasons I’ve signed up. USDC, Bitcoin, and Ethereum are all supported. Civic Wallet also stores your money and identity information, so it’s looking to be a smoother experience as well as extra secure. I’ve linked their waitlist for anyone else interested:
For my crypto-interested friends: I’m a fan of Civic Technologies and, especially in this climate, really recommend signing up for Civic Wallet. As well storing your cryptocurrencies alongside your money and identity information, Civic Wallet has become the first to offer a $1 million (USD) digital currency guarantee through Coincover. I’ve always had a good feeling about the security and convenience Civic Wallet offers, but this financial security with markets so turbulent has me really excited for the launch. The link to the waitlist is here and I recommend signing up now - it’s launching soon and I can imagine demand is getting high.