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Growing up @mjhegar saw her mom work three jobs just to pay the bills. Now MJ fights for an American that dream includes decent wages, housing that people can afford & support for small businesses. #TxSen #DemCastTX
It's past time to fix our criminal justice & policing system. @mjhegar will end racial profiliing and stop & frisk policies. She will help kick for-profit dentention companies & for-profit policing practices to the curb. #TxSen #DemCastTX
@mjhegar served 3 tours in Afghanistan and knows what sacrifices our military families make. MJ is committed to providing the resources needed for our national security and for our military. #TxSen #DemCastTX
@mjhegar respects ALL Texans and their rights. She supports the Equality Act, which provides civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ Americans. MJ will fight against discrimination in health care and adoptions. She will to protect trans people of color from violence. #TxSen #DemCastTX
@mjhegar knows we can secure our borders without a wall. She opposes the harmful child separation policies of the current administration. MJ supports treating asylum fairly & building a path to citizenship for undocumented residents. #TxSen #DemCastTX
When you weigh MJ Hegar's 3 tours in combat with Cornyn's 3 terms in the Senate, there's no contest. Hegar fought for US overseas. Now she'll fight for you! Follow her @mjhegar or on FB @MJforTexas. #TxSen #DemCastTX
@mjhegar knows ending the epidemic of gun violence needs commonsense gun safety legislation. YES to background checks & red flag laws. NO to gun show loopholes, sale of assault weapons, & open carry. #TxSen #DemCastTX
Texans have made it clear: they are tired of the rising cost of health care. @mjhegar will work to improve the ACA & lower the cost of presecription drugs, and she won't let anyone weaken Medicare. #TxSen #DemCastTX
"Follow the money." That's what @mjhegar says. As senator, she won't make decisions based on who is writing the biggest checks. MJ will stand with Americans who are sick & tired of special interests. #TxSen #DemCastTX
MJ is a fighter who embodies the Texas values of strength, courage, and independence. To @mjhegar it's simple: each and every American has the right to vote. MJ will fight to restore the Voting Rights Act. #TxSen #DemCastTX
"Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the health and safety of our communities and our national security. We cannot wait any longer to take action." @mjhegar will fight for Texas to be a leader in wind and solar energy. #TxSen #DemCastTX
"It's unacceptable that...a woman's right to make medical decisions about her own body is under assault." @mjhegar That's why MJ supports strengthening Roe v. Wade & women's health care services. #TxSen #DemCastTX
"I believe an investment in strong public schools is an investment in our nation's future," says @mjhegar. MJ also supports a grace period for student loans, vocational programs & higher teacher salaries. #TxSen #DemCastTX
@SiegelForTexas supports the Green New Deal. Close to home what that looks like is closing & cleaning up the Fayette Coal Plant and developing sustainable industries that will provide new local jobs. #TX10 #DemCastTX
It's time. Let's make women's rights to equal to men's. @simafortex supports a woman's right to choose, a national paid family leave policy, equal pay for women, enforcement of non-discrimination in workplaces, and Title IX programs. #TX02 #DemCastTX
Lower-cost accessible quality health care is a priority. @GinaOrtizJones backs universal health care, Medicaid expansion, addressing Texas' opioid crisis & putting more money in preventive care. #TX23 #DemCastTX
"I want to be able to tell [my grandchildren] that I did my part..." Wendy says. @wendydavis is committed to stopping the threat posed by climate change. #TX21 #DemCastTX
While @SriPKulkarni respects the 2nd Amendment, he also respects human life. He backs common-sense gun reforms like background checks, red flag & locker laws and getting weapons off the streets. #TX22 #DemCastTX
@wendydavis supports a public option for health care. She also demands reform: more rural health centers & rural insurance plans; more tax breaks to pay for plans; and more telemedicine. #TX21 #DemCastTX
Put @candacefor24 to work for Texans. She will work to improve voter access, election security, political spending & ethics in government; restore the Voting Rights Act & end voter suppression. #TX24 #DemCastTX
Every single American should have high-quality healthcare and be able to afford prescriptions drugs. @JulieOliverTX is fighting for Medicare for all because universal healthcare will save lives. #TX25 #DemcastTX
Because "Health care is a human right" @SiegelForTexas will always put people before profits. Mike is committed to defending the ACA, lowering prescription drug prices & working toward Medicare For All. #TX10 #DemCastTX
9 out of 10 Texans support universal background checks. @simafortex says, "Preventing gun violence is not a partisan issue--it is a human issue & we must work to find common ground to protect people." #TX02 #DemCastTX
We face a health care crisis of high cost and lack of access. @SriPKulkarni will lower the pricetag on medical treatment & presecription drugs and protect patients with pre-existing conditions. #TX22 #DemCastTX
Climate change threatens our economy & national security. @SriPKulkarni urges taking evidence-base actions, including targeted interventions and creating incentives to reduce carbon emissions. #TX22 #DemCastTX
"Thoughts and prayers aren't good enough" to stop gun violence says @wendydavis. We need gun reforms that make sense--universal background checks, red flag laws & a ban on assault-style weapons. #TX21 #DemCastTX
@SiegelForTexas supports gun reforms that make sense, like universal background checks. And he's not just talk--he refuses donations from NRA and any executive of gun/weapons manufacturer. #TX10 #DemCastTX
A champion of equal rights, @GinaOrtizJones will work to guarantee equal pay for equal work for all Texans. Gina will end discriminatory practices in education, health care, family planning & more. #TX23 #DemCastTX
Gina will fight to restore the Voting Rights Act and protect our democracy. @GinaOrtizJones wants to make sure that all Americans can exercise their right to vote without barriers. #TX23 #DemCastTX
To bring all Americans into the democratic process, @JulieOliverTX will fight to restore the Voting Rights Act. Julie backs same day and automatic voter registration and will work to end political gerrymandering. #TX25 #DemCastTX
@simafortex backs a public-private collaboration to check the impacts of flooding & rising sea levels. This includes reducing emissions, improving infrastructure, and investing in wind energy. #TX02 #DemCastTX
We must invest in green infrastructure, cut carbon emissions and incentivize businesses to join the fight against global climate change. Elect @candacefor24 so we can combat climate change while we still can. #TX24 #DemCastTX
Women should be making their own decisions about their reproductive life. @candacefor24 is pro-choice, supporting Planned Parenthood, afffordable pre/postnatal care and low-cost birth control. #TX24 #DemCastTX
Questions about a woman's health and bodily autonomy should be left to a woman and her doctor. @JulieOliverTX supports greater access to birth control and other preventive care. #TX25 #DemCastTX
As a Texan, @ColinAllredTX respects guns & gun owners--but school shootings should not be part of American life. Colin supports background checks, closing the gun show loophole & banning assault weapons. #TX32 #DemCastTX
70% of the bills Colin has cosponsored are bipartisan because he values fresh ideas that will benefit his constituents. @ColinAllredTX will keep working hard for his community, so help re-elect him in November. #TX32 #DemCastTX
@Lizzie4Congress will protect and expand your right to health care. She'll work to bring access to quality, affordable health care to more Texans, including those who lost their insurance due to COVID. #TX07 #DemCastTX
Gun safety shouldn't be a partisan issue. @Lizzie4Congress supports common-sense gun safety laws. We need to study the causes of gun violence & how we can keep our communities safe. #TX07 #DemCastTX
Texas can lead the way in energy innovation--safe, clean, efficient, renewable energy. @Lizzie4Congress knows that the advances in scientific knowledge made in the US will help combat climate change. #TX07 #DemCastTX
Nearly 1 in 4 Dallas residents lack access to a health plan. So @ColinAllredTX is working hard to expand health care markets (incl. a public option), expand Medicaid & lower the cost of prescription drugs. #TX32 #DemCastTX
Our laws should make it easier to vote, not harder. @Lizzie4Congress will fight for a better, more equitable voting process, including the reestablishment of the Voting Rights Act. #TX07 #DemCastTX
Standing against prejudice, @ColinAllredTX believes women must get equal pay for equal work and he's fighting for women's reproductive health & freedom. Colin voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act & will vote for it again. #TX32 #DemCastTX
As a voting rights attorney, @ColinAllredTX knows all about voter suppression. He's been an early voice for election reform including expanding voting access & ending gerrymandering. Put power back in the hands of the people. #TX32 #DemCastTX
"Houston matters to me," says @Lizzie4Congress. Lizzie grew up here and is committed to working so Houston's core values--inclusion, innovation & collaboration--result in progress, equality & opportunity for all Texans. #TX07 #DemCastTX
"The health and safety of half of the population has been under relentless attack." @Lizzie4Congress stands for reproductive health care and family planning. #TX07 #DemCastTX
We don't have to choose between our environment & economy. That why @ColinAllredTX supports renewable clean energy, which protects the planet & brings good-paying jobs to Texas. #TX32 #DemCastTX
In the Texas House, @Sharon4TX will defend and strengthen our public schools by working to provide the resources they need to be successful. Sharon will oppose vouchers or any other schemes that divert funding from public schools. #TXleg #DemCastTX
College is not for every student. @ElizMarkowitz will support vocational education programs to provide high school students with occupational training, unrelated to traditional academic skills. #TXleg #DemCastTX
Texans deserve quality and affordable healthcare. @kekeforhd54 will support Medicaid expansion and protect funding for Planned Parenthood, where many women and families receive crucial healthcare services. #TXleg #DemCastTX
To revitalize our neighborhoods, we need @NataliforTexas. Natali won’t shy away from pointing out what needs to improve and she will do the work to clean up our streets and welcome new growth. #TXleg #DemCastTX
A Democratic majority and fair elections start here in Texas House District 134 with @VoteAnnJohnson. Ann will work to reverse Governor Abbott’s right-wing agenda, end gerrymandering, and will vote for fair districting. #TXleg #DemCastTX
We must protect our environment. @JoannaCattanach supports strengthening environmental regulations and empowering state regulators to hold businesses and corporations accountable for contaminating our land, air, and water. #TXleg #DemCastTX
In 2020, Texas must lead the way in decriminalizing victims of trafficking, addiction, and those whose cases are disposed. @AkilahBacy will work to restore our civil rights. #TXleg #DemCastTX
For 10 consecutive years, Texas has had the highest percentage of uninsured people in the nation. @LorenzoForTexas will work immediately to expand Medicaid and expand mental health care. #TXleg #DemCastTX
Texas is home to one of the highest rates of maternal mortality, especially among women of color and those who are socio-economically disadvantaged. @dragofor96 will work to reverse these rates. #TXleg #DemCastTX
Elect @JeffWhitfieldTX for TX HD92! Jeff will prioritize our public schools by fairly funding education at the state level. He is also committed to supporting our military and our veterans with the services they need and deserve. #TXleg #DemCastTX
Being able to have access to affordable healthcare is a necessity. There are many rural Texans who do not live close to a hospital or emergency care facility. @SarahDFtBend will fight for equal and expanded access. #TXleg #DemCastTX
The United States is a vibrant nation of immigrants. @BrandyforTexas supports our state’s immigrant families who work hard and bring so much to Texas. They add culture and prosperity to our state. #TXleg #DemCastTX
“We need a Court that guarantees a level playing field; that does not put special interests ahead of everyday Texans in crucial issues like health care, a clean environment, social justice, and the need for honest economic dealing." @JusticeTriana #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Judge Amy Clark Meachum is running to become the first woman ever elected Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court because Texans want to elect judges with integrity and common sense #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
As a Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas board member, Judge Meachum has worked hard to increase access to justice by working to provide basic legal services to Texans in need. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Judge Staci Williams is running because it is time that the Supreme Court of Texas has justices who have real-life experience, who understand the needs of the working people of Texas, and who reflect the diversity of this state. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Justice Gisela Triana will bring exceptional experience and much-needed balance to the Supreme Court. She would be the first TX Supreme Court Justice to have served at every level of Trial Courts, as well as the Court of Appeals. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Kathy Cheng is running to restore integrity and justice by making sure every Texan’s voice is heard and receives justice in Texas courts. Help elect Kathy to the TX Supreme Court! #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
All nine judges on the Texas Supreme Court are Republicans. In November, we can elect 4 women Democrats to the court. As the court rules on important voting rights initiatives, changing the makeup of the court is critical. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
As an immigrant whose family fled an oppressive regime, @chengforjustice will use her diverse legal and life experiences to interpret the laws of the State of Texas for the best interest of Texans. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Judge Staci Williams attended a segregated school until the second grade. She vividly remembers asking her father "Daddy, are the dogs going to get me at school?” #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Active in the non-profit and volunteer community, Judge Meachum helped expand programs that provide children’s books to underserved communities and families in Austin and the surrounding areas. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
The GOP dominated Texas Supreme Court responded to coronavirus by forcing Texans to vote in-person, reallowing evictions, and refusing diploma privilege for law grads. It's time for a change. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
With 24 years on the bench and a reputation for fairness, @JusticeTriana will bring the best of our legal system to the Texas Supreme Court. #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
Judge Staci Williams founded the Citizen’s Civil Academy, a free nonpartisan program that educates the public about the civil court system, after hearing pleas of people not understanding the court proceedings. Help elect Staci! #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX
"In Texas, the notion of justice for all is not a current reality. Everyone deserves justice, not just the rich, powerful, or special interest groups." @chengforjustice for TX Supreme Court #CourtsMatter #DemCastTX