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Care about climate? Fix democracy! Climate action and a just clean energy transition require upgrading elections, empowering voters, junking gerrymandering, and re-balancing the Senate. Get 10 big, practical ideas for how to #FixDemocracy #ClimateAction
"If we want to fix the #climate crisis, we need a working #democracy--so here's the repair guide." Take it from Bill McKibben (author of Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?) #FixDemocracy - get your guide to solutions: #democracy #ForThePeopleAct #BustTheFilibuster
Some of us are starting to think about 2021 New Year's resolutions. How about we resolve to fix democracy? Here is the complete how-to guide. #FixDemocracy #NewYearsResolution
Maps show land. But people vote. Instead of looking at red and blue states, let's look at American voters. There IS a path forward to fix the #ElectoralCollege and make our votes carry the same weight no matter where we live. #FixDemocracy #CountEveryVote
More Americans voting is great - let's keep high turnout! But we can skip the circus around a patchwork of vote-counting laws. We have road-tested solutions to make our elections secure, free, and fair. #FixDemocracy #CountEveryVote
Democracy works when every vote counts. But the US system wasn’t built that way, it was made to exclude some Americans. Our job now is to fix it. #FixDemocracy #CountEveryVote
Feeling sidelined and powerless to change the Electoral College system? The people can do it! No constitutional amendment needed. Check out @Sightline’s new book, Becoming a Democracy, to find out how. #FixDemocracy #ElectoralCollege